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Important Request for Italian Medical Schools: Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on medical education
Tipologia avviso:
As part of an ongoing international study exploring how medical learners have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We feel this is an important and timely study to conduct so that we can learn from and with each other moving forward.
This voluntary, anonymous survey takes approximately 5-10 minutes. All data will be analyzed in aggregate. This has been reviewed and approved by our research ethics board (File #20-0484).
Thus far, we have over 2000 responses from over 80 countries. We have had the survey translated into numerous languages (options available on the top right corner of the first page), including Italian, to be more inclusive of learners around the world.
English: https://survey.ucalgary.ca/jfe/form/SV_b1pgkMgAJqacud7
Italian: https://survey.ucalgary.ca/jfe/form/SV_b1pgkMgAJqacud7?Q_Language=IT
Feel free to contact myself or my co-investigator Dr. Kachra with any questions.
We wish your organizations and country all the best during this period and appreciate your consideration.
Allison Brown, MSc PhD(c)
Lead Investigator and Study Coordinator
Department of Community Health Sciences
University of Calgary - Cumming School of Medicine
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Rahim Kachra, MD, EdM, FRCPC
Senior Principal Investigator
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine & Undergraduate Medical Education
University of Calgary - Cumming School of Medicine
Ultimo aggiornamento: 20-04-2020 - 10:57