Person | Section of studies | Activities | Position | Sheet |
Cidin Davide | Department's Board - Students Representative | Governance |
Cicuttin Rodrigo | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Ciardullo Anna Vittoria | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Ciampalini Sandro | Boards of Studies - Member | |||
Cialdella Sandra | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Ciaffoni Alessia | Doctoral student - Doctoral student | Doctoral student |
Chitti Federica Cesarina | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Chiodo Vittorio | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Chihai Raisa | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Chies Giada | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Chiarini Andrea | Department's Board - Students Representative | Governance |
Chiarandini Stefano | Boards of Studies - Member | |||
Chiara Emanuele | Doctoral student - Doctoral student | Doctoral student |
Chianese Maria | Doctoral student - Doctoral student | Doctoral student |
Chiandussi Raffaella | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Cherubini Antonella | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Chersi Karin | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Chersi Filippo | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Chernykh Anastasia | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Chernovsky Maria | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
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