Person | Section of studies | Activities | Position | Sheet |
Cenacchi Valentina | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cellot Giada | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Cellini Miriam | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Celega Marco | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Celaj Entiola | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cegolon Luca | Department's Board - Member, Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Fixed term researcher |
Cegalin Matteo | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cecotti Andrea | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Ceconi Viola | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cecchini Letizia | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cecchin Erika | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Cebulec Irina | Boards of Studies - Member | |||
Cazzato Ilaria | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cavicchia Angelo | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cavasin Julia | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cavarzerani Luisa Priscamaria | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cavallo Ronchi Federico | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cavalli Fabio | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Cavalli Carolina Aliai Micol | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Cavallaro Marco Francesco Maria | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
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