Person | Section of studies | Activities | Position | Sheet |
Cosentini Dora | Boards of Studies - Member | |||
Corti Maria Chiara | Boards of Studies - Member | |||
Cortese Carlo | Executive Board - Students Representative | |||
Cortale Maurizio | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Correa Cruz Sergio Esteban | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Corrado Francesca | Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Corradi Ludovica | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Corona Federica | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Corio Andrea | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Corbo Chiara | Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Contò Filippo | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Conti Rosaura | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Contessi Stefano | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Contessi Negrini Filippo | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Contento Elia | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Contento Cinzia | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Contardo Luca | Department's Board - Member, Boards of Studies - Coordinator, Boards of Studies - Member, Doctoral Studies Boards - Member, Doctoral Studies Boards - External Expert, Teaching staff - Teaching staff, Tutor - Tutor, Research Group - Member | Associate professor |
Contadini Michele | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Cont Gabriele | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Console Karen | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
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