Person | Section of studies | Activities | Position | Sheet |
Tessitore Antimo | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Tessarolo Giulia | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Teso Cristiana | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Terrosu Giovanni | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Terenzi Francesca | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Teraž Kaja | Research grant holders - Research grant holder | Research grant holder |
Tenuta Marcella | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Tence Marcello | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment, Contract professor |
Taverna Rossella | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Tavcar Irena | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment |
Tavano Stefano | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Tavagnutti Andrea Alessia | Boards of Studies - Member | Fixed term researcher |
Tavagnutti Andrea Alessia | Boards of Studies - Member | Fixed term researcher |
Taurian Marco | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Taucar Valentina | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment, Contract professor |
Tassinari Alice | Student enrolled at Specialization School - Student enrolled at Specialization School | Student enrolled at Specialisation School |
Tarchi Paola | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Teaching assignment, Contract professor |
Tapete Federica | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Tanzi Silvia | Boards of Studies - Member, Teaching staff - Teaching staff | Contract professor |
Tancik Manuela | Department's Board - Technical-administrative Staff Representative | Undefined |
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